
  1. You need to approve your CHSB to be spent by the migrator.

On the CHSB contract, select "Write Contract", use the method approve and pass as parameters:

  • spender: 0xaA854688caAB725fe17b7D21b46fDA5AF365985a

  • value: <your amount of CHSB with 8 decimals>

For example, to migrate 100 CHSB, you have to put the value 10000000000 (100 followed by 8 zeros).

  1. You can migrate!

On the migrator contract, select "Write as Proxy", use the method migrate and pass as parameters:

  • amount: <your amount of CHSB with 8 decimals>

This is the same amount that you passed before. Once the transaction is executed, your BORG will be automatically sent to your wallet.

Last updated